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President Trump did more for Latino Americans than any administration in history!

President Trump’s pro-growth agenda delivered an economic boom, which drove down unemployment and expanded opportunity for Hispanic Americans.

Under President Trump’s leadership, the Hispanic community saw a record low unemployment rate, record high Hispanic homeownership, and record low poverty.

Under President Trump, median real income for Hispanic households surpassed $50,000 for the first time in history.

Nearly 350,000 Hispanic Americans were lifted out of poverty and the Hispanic poverty rate reached a historic low of 18.3 percent in 2017.

Real wages for Hispanic Males rose 3.9% under while President Trump was in the White House.

Under the Trump administration Latino household wealth rose by 65%.

President Trump delivered the biggest tax cut in history and freed business from stifling regulations, allowing Americans of all demographics to prosper.

President Trump reversed the Obama administration’s disastrous policy of easing restrictions on Cuba that allowed more funds to flow to the repressive Castro regime.

The Trump Administration imposed sanctions on the Cuban military and intelligence officials who undermine democracy and repress the Cuban people.

In November 2018, President Trump signed an executive order authorizing sanctions against the corrupt Ortega regime in Nicaragua.

On January 23, 2019, President Trump recognized Venezuelan National Assembly President, Juan Guaidó, as the Interim President of Venezuela.

After taking office, President Trump issued five executive orders that hindered the Maduro regime’s ability to sustain its control over the country’s economy and state-owned assets.

As of June 2020, the Trump Administration had sanctioned at least 144 Venezuelan individuals or Venezuela-connected individuals, and the State Department had revoked more than 700 visas, including 107 of former diplomatic personnel.